Use this Report to Reduce the Risk when hiring a Keynote Speaker for your Corporate Event.

Report to Reduce the Risk when hiring a Keynote Speaker for your Corporate Event

Use this Report to Reduce the Risk when hiring a Keynote Speaker for your Corporate Event.

Risk management is a central dynamic in every business activity, including events, to prepare for the unexpected and avoid obvious risks to optimise your activities. This topic has been so valuable for my clients that I have gathered the essence of risk management into this easy-to-follow, and remember, RISK SET Report.

While the focus is on the potential risks when hiring a Keynote Speaker, the principles can be applied to the lager context of your event, and indeed beyond into any area of your business.

The purpose of this article is to highlight the essence of the downloadable The Keynote Speaker RISK SET Report that outlines everything that can go wrong when hiring a Speaker so you can reduce your risk when hiring your next Keynote Speaker for your Corporate Event.




Solving Problems

When you organise an event something unplanned will happen. Problems are a natural part of any event. No matter how well you prepare, your real strength is in how you manage problems. “The show must go on!” This is an unwritten rule of every event because no matter what happens the event can always go on. So it is your problem solving skill that is the ultimate risk management strategy.


Your ability to solve problems is the ultimate risk management strategy.


A Professional Keynote Speaker, because of their extensive experience, is there to help you solve these problems. Remember that when you hire a Keynote Speaker for your event they have experienced hundreds, if not thousands, of events, so use their extensive experience to elevate your event. For more insights see our article: Booking a Professional Keynote Speaker is an Insurance Policy.


The Keynote Speaker is there it help solve problems.


We can say that ‘risk management' is a central dynamic in every business activity, including in your event management; anticipating risks, understanding different kinds of risks, making sure you avoid obvious risks, and preparing for the unexpected, all helps to optimise your internal management event. These act as a foundation for us to build The Keynote Speaker RISK SET Report.



RISK stands for the different Types of Risks that exist and what you can do about them: Reversible, Irreversible, Slow, & Known. They are summarised in the word RISK to help you to easily remember them and to keep your focused on what matters most. The first two are risks that are Reversible & Irreversible. The second two are risks that are Slow & Known.

Download The Keynote Speaker RISK SET Report & consider the following questions:
Do I have a back-up plan for Reversible risks?
Am I aware of the Irreversible risk of no Speaker?
Am I carrying on learnings to avoid Slow risks?
Do I have a back-up plan for Known risks?



SET stands for the Areas of Risk involved in hiring a Keynote Speaker for your Corporate Event. Focusing on these allows you to make more informed decisions and enables you to answer the question, “What could go wrong if I hire a Keynote Speaker?”

While it is possible that many things could go wrong when hiring a Keynote Speaker, it is possible to reduce these down to three risk areas: the Speaker, the Event, & the Topic.

Download Risk Report on hiring a Keynote Speaker for your corporate event & consider the following questions:
Does the Speaker have the right qualities?
Have I aligned expectations for the Event?
Have I co-created the TOPIC for my context?


Problems are a natural part of any event. However you can reduce the risk of these by understanding the different Types of Risk and the different Areas of Risk. Download Risk Report on hiring a Keynote Speaker for your corporate event for more information.

Risk report on hiring a keynote Speaker

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