How a Professional Keynote Speaker Refreshes your Corporate Event & Why this is Important.

How a Professional Keynote Speaker Refreshes your Corporate Event & Why this is Important

How a Professional Keynote Speaker Refreshes your Corporate Event & Why this is Important.

All organisations have a multitude of unique problems, however every organisation still faces one common problem: their perception of the world. Research has shown that most of our mistakes come from mistakes in our perception, how we see the world. The good news however is that you can use your Corporate Event to refresh your perception of the world, with the help of a Professional Keynote Speaker.

The purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of refreshing your perception of the world and how a Professional Keynote Speaker can help you do this at your Corporate Event.


Using your Perception.

Many of us are familiar with the Crime Scene Investigation TV series (CSI) that showcases Forensic Science as a key tool in solving crimes. And it is interesting to note what finally solves most of their crimes.

The technology that the investigators use gives them a sharp eye for detail however it often does not help them see the bigger picture. And it is only when they see the bigger picture, when they get the sudden insight, when they connect the dots, that they solve the crime.

They solve the problem when they have both an eye for detail and an eye for the bigger picture, when they have a more complete perception. So it is their perception that solves the crime, not their technology.


We solve problems by having an eye for detail & an eye for the bigger picture.


However, we need to be aware that American psychologist, David Perkins, states: 90% of our mistakes come from mistakes in our perception. So only 10% of our mistakes come from mistakes in our thinking.

When we see the world correctly, the thinking that follows is usually correct. If however we see the world incorrectly all thinking that follows will be incorrect. So managing our perception is more important than managing our thinking.


90% of our mistakes come from mistakes in our perception.


Creating your Perception.

When we perceive the world around us we do three things: we delete, we generalise, and we distort. These are three filters that we use to make sense of an otherwise overload of information. Indeed, we need to delete, we need to generalise, and we need to distort the world in order to form our perception.


All perception is incomplete.


However this means that no perception is complete; our perception is always incomplete. So when a leading psychologist was asked what did he think was the best perception of the world that anyone could have, his answer was, “The one that gives you most choice.”


The best perception is the one that gives you most choice.


Liberating your Perception.

Your Corporate Event is an opportunity to create this shift, from a limited perception to a liberated perception. And while there are a number of ways to achieve this shift in perception, one of the most powerful is to bring in external perspectives.

This is where a Professional Keynote Speaker can help. They offer not only an external perspective, but also a more comprehensive perspective. Because a Professional Keynote Speaker has clients across diverse industries and around the world, they have gained extensive experience that forms a rich perspective.


A Professional Keynote Speaker offers a more comprehensive perspective.


Refreshing your Perception.

In addition to their external perspective, a Professional Keynote Speaker will refresh your organisational perception by challenging the three filters that you use to form your view on the world: they challenge what you delete, generalise, and distort.

1) A Professional Keynote Speaker will challenge what you have deleted to form your perception by pointing out your blind-spots, adding new perspectives, and offering new possibilities. The company Amazon reflects the need for this in their mantra that says ‘Everyday is day one’. They challenge what they have deleted to start fresh, again. For more insights see our article: The Impact of a Keynote Speech.

2) A Professional Keynote Speaker will challenge what you have generalised to form your perception by asking questions. Indeed, it is often more powerful to ask the right questions than give more ‘answers’. For more insights see our article: How a Professional Keynote Speaker uses the Power of Questions.

3) A Professional Keynote Speaker will challenge what you have distorted to form your perception by checking your assumptions. We all work with a set of assumptions, consciously or subconsciously. And when we take a moment to challenge these, new insights and innovations emerge. The company Lyft actively works on this with what they call Refresh Fridays, where they gather in teams to ask ‘If we were to start over, today, what would we do?’ For more insights see our article: The Top 3 Reasons Why CEO’s Love a Great Keynote Speaker.

So it is essential to refresh our perception because 90% of our mistakes come from mistakes in our perception. And how we see the world determines how we act in the world; when we change our perception we change our actions.


Your Corporate Event is an opportunity to refresh and this can be achieved with the help of a Professional Keynote Speaker. Because with their external more comprehensive perspective you can create a new internal perception: so they help you find the perception that gives you the most choice.


For more insights on how to book a Professional Keynote Speaker to help you refresh your perception of the world, download: Guide on how much does a Keynote Speaker cost. 


Guide on how much does a Keynote Speaker cost

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