Five Tips to Align your Vision & Strategy.

The goal of this article is to give you practical tips on how to make sure the speaker and their speech are aligned to your organisational Vision and Strategy.

Five tips on how to get a speaker and their speech aligned with your Vision & Strategy.

Every event has a Purpose. An internal management event can take place annually, seasonally, or in a unique moment in time. Whatever the event is, however, all internal management events work to fulfil the same goal of every organisation: Growth. And one of the most powerful ways a speech can do this is by aligning it to your Vision and Strategy.

The goal of this article is to give you practical tips on how to make sure the speaker and their speech are aligned to your organisational Vision and Strategy.


Tip #1: Share a Briefing Pack with the Speaker.

It can include:

  • The one-line description that defines the success of their Speech.
    For example, “A speech that engages the audience, aligns them to our Vision & Strategy, and leaves them inspired to take action.”
  • One paragraph describing the purpose and goal of your event.
    For example, “Our annual event reminds everyone of our Vision and updates them on our Strategy, so everyone is on the same page and are able to translate this into practical targets for the coming quarters.”
  • A summary of your current targets/focus areas/goals (KPI’s).
    For example, “Establish the foundations of a Learning Organisation,” or “Use Big Data to improve our Value Chain,” etc.
  • Your organisational Vision & Strategy Document.
    Including any additional documents, reports, and audits that might be revenant. If necessary, get the Speaker to sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU).


Tip #2: Ask for feedback on the Briefing Pack.

The purpose here is to test if the Speaker understands your Vision & Strategy by the questions they ask. Experienced Speakers will be able to quickly offer insights and ‘help you see what you have always seen in a new light.’


Tip #3: Listen to the language the Speaker uses.

When the Speaker is giving feedback on your Briefing Pack listen to the language they use. Have they aligned it to the words and terms you use? Experienced Speakers will be able to naturally weave the language of your organisation and industry easily into their Speech.


Tip #4: Ask how will this Speech be different from their last.

The purpose here is to test if the Speaker is going to create a tailor-made Speech for your event. Experienced Speakers will always tailor their Speech to the unique context of your organisation. While there can be themes that repeat in all their speeches, how and what to apply is always unique to each organisation. See also our article: Four Questions to Ask a Keynote Speaker.


Tip #5: Ask how will this Speech balance Vision & Strategy.

The purpose here is to make sure the Speaker can balance aspirations, your Vision, & apply these to operations, your Strategy. Speech needs to be inspiring and practical. Great speeches engage the Heart with a meaningful Vision, engage the Head with a clear Strategy, and engage the Hand with practical actions.


The one thing that will decide the suitability of a Speaker is their ability to align to who you are, your organisational Culture, Vision, and Strategy.


Not all Speakers are suitable for your event. Indeed, there are many more Speakers that are not suitable for your event than there are Speakers that are suitable for your event. The one thing that will decide the suitability of a Speaker is their ability to align to who you are, your organisational Culture, Vision, and Strategy.


For more insights on how to get a speaker and their speech aligned with your Vision & Strategy download Risk Report on hiring a Keynote Speaker for your corporate event below.

Risk report on hiring a keynote Speaker

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