After a Keynote Speech: Avoid this Common Mistake.

After a Keynote Speech: Avoid this Common Mistake.

After a Keynote Speech: Avoid this Common Mistake.

The goal of a Keynote Speech is to set the tone (the key-note) of your event & establish the framework for everything that follows. (For a full definition of what is a Keynote Speaker see our article.).

The purpose of a Keynote Speech is to grow your business. So the impact of a Keynote Speech lasts far beyond the event. And to make sure this happens, avoid the common mistake of just accepting the ‘slides’ from the Speaker, and instead ask them to deliver a ‘Keynote Speech Summary Document’.

The goal of this article is to make sure you get a Summary Document from your Keynote Speaker so you get maximum value from your investment and help embed the knowledge in your organisation.


The Impact of a Keynote Speech

The goal of your internal event can be quite specific. However, the purpose of all internal events is to take your organisation to the next level of its growth. So when you book a Keynote Speaker the impact of their speech lasts far beyond the event.


The impact of a Keynote Speech lasts far beyond the event.


Supporting the Impact

To be successful, a Keynote Speaker has worked hard to be aligned with your organisation. So if you want to get the most value from their preparation, and your investment in them, make sure you stay connected after the event. (For more details on this see our article: What Relationship should you have with a Keynote Speaker after your Event?)

So as soon as you book a Keynote Speaker consider it as the beginning of a longterm relationship. And this relationship should begin the day after the event by the Keynote Speaker sharing with you a Summary Document of their speech.

The Common Mistake

Most Speakers use slides during their speech to support their message and it is common practice for the Speaker to share these after their speech. This, however, is not optimal.

Slides should not be shared after an event because they are not designed to be read afterwards. Slides are designed to support a speaker when they speak.


A Keynote Speaker should not share their slides after the event.


The Keynote Speech Summary Document

In most events, there will naturally be some people who were not able to attended the event. And it is important to be able to share with them the essence of the Keynote Speech.

A Keynote Speech Summary Document captures the essence of the speech so it can be shared internally in your organisation. Therefore, it is designed to be read independently of the event. As stated above, this is not the same as sharing ‘slides’ because slides are not designed to be read afterwards.


A Keynote Speech Summary Document captures the essence of the speech so it can be shared internally in your organisation.


Filming the speaker during the event, so you can share the recording afterwards, is also advisable. (For more on this see our article: What are the Options & Extras I should consider when booking a Keynote Speech?). However, rewatching a video is not the same as reading a Summary Document. There is always extra value in complimenting the Keynote Speech with a Summary Document.

So next time you book a Professional Keynote Speaker make sure you avoid the most common mistake of just accepting their ‘slides’, and instead ask them to deliver a ‘Keynote Speech Summary Document’. So you get maximum value from your investment and help embed the knowledge in your organisation.


To learn more about how Paul Hughes’ Keynote Speeches can help your organisation grow Request a Quote.

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